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Artist Statement

For my sound installation, I chose to create something that would make individuals really realize how much technology impacts our everyday lives. When creating my piece, my goal was to combine a bunch of familiar phone and computer sounds that people could easily recognize. The whole point of implementing those familiar sounds is to get listeners to understand that you don't have to physically see where the sound is coming from or what the sound is to recognize the tune or noise. I was inspired to make this piece my sound installation because I started to slowly realize how much I rely on technology and how much it affects my own life. The idea came to me when I was studying for a midterm and all I could hear in the background as I tried to study was my phone vibrating and ringing. Without seeing the notifications in front of me, I could tell what each notification was whether it was a snapchat, a text message or a call. When listening to my work, I hope people can takeaway the impact that technology makes on their own lives and that I'm not the only one that can easily recognize most, if not all of those sounds. 

Kaylee Sales

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